List of Panels

Please find below the list of all 47 tracks available for abstract submission.

  • The first 35 tracks are panels proposed by scholars for this specific conference
  • The last 12 tracks are recurring panels, organized by our Special Interest Groups (SIG).
  • Panel 42 is the New Research panel, this is a special panel for new (early careere) searchers.

Check the description of individual panels before submitting your proposal.

Track number Proposed Panels
P01 P01 Advancing the Core Technologies of Government Organizations by Embracing Social Equity (PMRA)
P02 P02 Catalyzing Innovation for Public Value: Unlocking the Power of Social Entrepreneurship and Strategic Public Management
P03 P03 Innovative ‘Good Governance’ Models: Comparative Perspectives on Addressing Grand Challenges
P04 P04 Public values: Beyond economics-based solutions in public policy problems
P05 P05 Public Governance Paradigms and Good Governance in Napoleonic Administrative Tradition Countries
P06 P06 Exploring value and value creation from a service perspective
P07 P07 Spatial Public Administration
P08 P08 Health Systems Sustainability and Resilience
P09 P09 Prevention approaches based on hybrid governance to increase public value
P10 P10 Artificial Intelligence and Public Administration: what is the future of public management and public policies?
P11 P11 Problem-solving in local public services
P12 P12 Public Value in Public-Private Partnerships: strategic trends and development in governments
P13 P13 Exploring new roles and possibilities of sport and sport policy
P14 P14 Behavioural and Experimental Public Management
P15 P15 Innovations in Government Transparency and Accountability: Building Trust in Public Service
P16 P16 A closer look at the Defense sector: public administration dilemmas, governance arrangements, and public policy analysis
P17 P17 Public procurement and contracting in a hybrid world
P18 P18 Equality and inclusion in knowledge-intensive public organizations and work
P19 P19 The infrastructural turn in public governance: exploring new and hybrid infrastructure constellations
P20 P20 Leveraging systems for success: adaptive leadership in a hybrid world
P21 P21 Knowledge-Building in Asian Public Management: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities
P22 P22 Public Enterprise and the Sustainable Development Goals
P23 P23 Robust Governance in Turbulent Times
P24 P24 Perspectives on Workforce Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
P25 P25 New Public Governance - how much is it spreading, and what are its limits?
P26 P26 Research ON collaboration between multiple actors in a public value creation context
P27 P27 Hybrid future for governance and management of emergency services: issues, challenges and opportunities
P28 P28 Hybrid future of Participatory budgeting?
P29 P29 Emerging Technologies and the Transformation of the Public Sector
P30 P30 Public Open Government Data – enabler or restriction for hybrid innovation and business
P31 P31 Digital transformation and hybrid future for public governance and management
P32 P32 Respond, change or transform? – Public administration and crises
P33 P33 From Intentions to Impact: Integrity antecedents and anti-corruption policies
P34 P34 Rethinking the Hybrid Role of Higher Education: Areas of Opportunity and Improvement
P35 P35 Strategic planning and strategy management-at-scale for robust governance
Track number

Special Interest Groups (SIG) Panels

P36 P36 SIG Complexity and Network Governance
P37 P37 SIG Digital and agile transformation in the public sector 
P38 P38 SIG The Practice Panel: Connecting Researchers and Practitioners for Improved Outcomes through Hybridity in research and practice
P39 P39 SIG Local Governance: Collaboration of Local Governments and Civil Society
P40 P40 SIG Public Service Motivation
P41 P41 SIG Accounting and Accountability: Decoding Hybrid Futures - Accounting and Accountability Perspectives in Public Governance and Management
P42 P42 SIG New Researchers Panel
P43 P43 SIG Civil society and community self-organisations
P44 P44 SIG Governing and Managing Hybridity: Between Promises and Pitfalls
P45 P45 SIG Healthcare Management and Governance: Hybrid Future for the Healthcare Sector
P46 P46 Design-led approaches to renewing public management and governance
P47 P47 SIG Public Sector Human Resources





























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