P26 Research ON collaboration between multiple actors in a public value creation context

Corresponding chair

Associate professor Linda Höglund, Accounting and Control, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University. linda.hoglund@mdu.se

Review group chair

Assistent professor Karin Axelsson, The School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Mälardalen University

Assistent professor Kim Eriksson, School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University

Professor Maria Mårtensson, School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University


This panel takes a special interest in research ON collaboration between multiple actors in a context of public value creation. The realisation of public value take place in an abstract arena, rather than in the specific domain of public sector organizations (PSO), with the necessity to consider global and emerging issues such as climate change, sustainable, social and economic development, biodiversity and ecological account. These grand challenges can’t be solved by a PSO on its own as it requires multiple of collaborative actors from governments and business as well as public–private–civil society cooperation. As such it becomes important to recognise public management, not as detached from politics, private efforts and civic activities, but as a result of complex interactions between them. The judgement of what is public value is thus collectively negotiated in collaborative processes.

The collaboration includes both the individual level, organisational level and the more general public level, as consideration must be paid not only to individuals but also to the value produced for the wider community. However, so far most research addressing collaboration between multiple actors has focused on research IN collaboration per se, neglecting research ON collaboration. This means that we know little about how to account for, monitor, organize and manage research collaborations in a way that generate value for all the actors involved as well as society at large. In addition, more specifically, we have a limited knowledge about (un)intended consequences of research collaborations, the effects of its methods on research quality and its potential impact or grimpact (negative impact) and possible lock-in effects of research collaboration, as not all collaborations contribute to value creation. Thus, we have a limited knowledge also about processes of value (co-)destruction in relation to research collaborations.

Call for papers  

Within public management in general, but especially when addressing public value, we need to better reflect on value(s), the forms taken by publicness, and the implications for public management and its possibility to contribute to public value creation in a context of multiple actors. This involves taking advantage of the stock of knowledge in other fields and re-defining the boundaries between accounting, strategy, management and other disciplines. Thus, responding to previous calls for more engagement with policy and public administration literature (cf. Bracci et al. 2021) as well as the marketing and service literature (Osborne, 2021). In short, we need to know more about the results and its effects (positive or negative) in relation to value creation when a PSOs engaging in collaboration, and it needs to be developed from different theoretical perspectives.

Examples of sub-themes or possible useful theoretical perspectives

Strategic management in a context of long term value creation (Bryson and George, 2020) could be usfull or a strategic management accounting perspective including the strategic triangle (Moore 1995) as a way to understand the complex interaction of multiple actors and the creation of public value (Höglund et al. 2021). To use a quadruple helix approach focusing on the regional innovation system, networks of relationships and value creation is another way (Hasche et al. 2019), including studies of impact (Stier & Smit, 2021). A stakeholder and network perspective in relation to value creation is important (Bryson et al. 2017) as well as to understand how innovation and entrepreneurial processes in collaboration contribute to public value (Crosby et al., 2017). Another example is to take on a collaborative public management (Eriksson et al. 2021) approach or apply a public service logic perspective focusing on value (co)-creation and value (co)-destruction (Cui and Osborne, 2022) in relation to research collaborations. To study research collaboration from an eco-system is also a potential suggestion (Osborne, 2021). The panel is also open for other relevant theories and perspectives on the suggested matter.

Important! All papers should be submitted via our online system (ExOdo) for abstract submission. The same platform will be used for the review, evaluation and acceptance of abstracts.

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